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Winemiller PE. LC, Joshua L.

Joshua L. Winemiller, PE, LC, Senior Electrical Engineer, Henry Adams, LLC Consulting Engineers Mr. Winemiller is a licensed professional engineer who has contributed to numerous historic, preservation, and rehabilitation projects over 10+ years, focusing on electrical power and lighting systems. He has completed over 25 condition assessments of historic structures for the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission and has worked on a wide variety of National Park Service projects within the Northeast and Southeast Regions. With a passion for lighting and controls, Mr. Winemiller also holds the Lighting Certified credential from the National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions (NCQLP). He is currently serving as President of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America – Baltimore Chapter. He received his Bachelor and Master of Architectural Engineering degrees from Pennsylvania State University with a focus in lighting and electrical building systems.