
Webinars are conducted on a platform called Go-to-Webinar. Instructions and 
login information will be provided in an access email sent closer to the date of the webinar.
View system requirements here. 

All attendees must log-on through their own email – attendees may not watch 
together if they wish to obtain CE credit. HalfMoon Education Inc. must be able to prove 
attendance if either the attendee or HalfMoon Education Inc. is audited.

September 14, 2016, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CDT

   Practical soil mechanics   

   Footings and mat foundations

   Driven pile & drilled pier foundations 

   Lateral earth pressures (static, seismic & surcharges)

   Hillside slopes and repair methods

   Cantilever retaining walls 

   Restrained basement walls 

   Design of temporary excavation shoring  


     1.5 HSW Contact Hours

     1.5 HSW LUs

     1.5 PDHs

HalfMoon Education is an AIA-approved continuing education sponsor (No. J885). HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for architects in Florida and is deemed an approved sponsor in New York. Most of the courses in these series offer PDHs to professional engineers in all states. Check each listing for the specific number of PDHs offered. HalfMoon Education is an approved engineer continuing education provider in Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), New York (NYSED Sponsor No. 35), North Carolina, and North Dakota. Other states do not preapprove educators or courses. Participation and knowledge retention will be verified for these webinar events, certificates of completion will be provided, and LUs will be reported to the AIA. Please note the Writing Resumes and Cover Letters webinar and the Forensic Engineering as a Profession webinar are for personal enrichment only. No continuing education credit is available for these two webinars.


Liiban Affi

Foundation Engineering Consultants

Foundation Engineering Consultants, Inc
Mr. Affi is the founder of Foundation Engineering Consultants, Inc., in the state of California. He specializes in excavation support analysis, drilled pier foundations and sub-structural engineering software. Mr. Affi is a licensed civil engineer in California and has authored three books. He was recently awarded a U.S. patent in a new method of supporting lightly-loaded foundations and pavements on highly-expansive soils. Mr. Affi is very interested in filling the practice gap between geotechnical and structural engineers when it comes to foundations and earth retaining structures.