Flexible Pavement Design
Flexible Pavement Design
Monday, April 20, 2020, 2020, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM CDT
Soil support and subsurface preparation
Reclamation and recycling
Mixture content and pavement thickness
Preparing and overlaying existing pavement
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2.0 CE Hours
2.0 PDHs
2.0 LU|Elective
Continuing Education Credit Information
See each course listing for the type and amount of each continuing education credit available. Individual courses for engineers and architects are not subject to pre-approval. HalfMoon Education does not apply for landscape courses in FL, NC, and NJ or land surveyor courses in FL, KS, NJ, TN and TX, unless expressly stated.
HalfMoon Education Certifying Entities
American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (No. J665)
International Code Council (No. 1232)
Landscape Architect Continuing Education System
American Institute of Certified Planners (APA)
Boards of Engineering: Florida (No. 0004647), Indiana (License No. CE21700059), Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), North Carolina (No. S-0130), and North Dakota.
Course-by-Course Providers: Association of State Floodplain Managers
Dr. Hesham Ali
Green Paving Professor of Practice at Florida International University
Dr. Ali came to FIU with more than 21 years of civil engineering experience, mostly in pavement design, analysis and construction. He joined the CEE faculty in December of 2011 as green paving professor of practice and is working to advance the new green paving initiative of Florida International University.
Dr. Ali earned a master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from The City University of New York. He has spent much of his career in the transportation sector focusing on pavement evaluation, pavement engineering and consulting for various public and private employers, including a role as highway research fellow for the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Additionally, Dr. Ali has participated in the delivery of hundreds of roadway and airport construction projects in New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Florida.
Recently, Dr. Ali served as an executive at the Florida Department of Transportation, where he worked for more than a decade and participated in the delivery of $3 billion of highway construction and maintenance projects.
Dr. Ali is especially interested in geotechnical engineering and the technical development and promotion of pavement recycling. In his role at FIU, he is conducting externally-funded research and development on green paving methods, including pavement recycling and use of innovative paving materials.
Dr. Ali has previously served in higher education as a member of the Florida Atlantic University Civil Engineering Department’s Technical Advisory Committee and as graduate research assistant at the CUNY Institute For Transportation Systems. He has published more than 30 papers and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Transportation Research Board and the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, among other organizations.