
Webinar instructions will be emailed before the date of the webinar.

Please log into the webinar 15 – 30 minutes before start time.

Thursday, July 7, 2022
11:00 am – 1:00 pm CDT

Presented by
David Bennink

Agenda Highlights:
Defining unsustainable lumber
Types of wood products that are inherently more sustainable
Sustainable lumber certifications
• Forest Stewardship Council
• Sustainable Forest Initiative
• American Tree Farm System and Canadian Standards Association
Sustainability of local lumber
Sustainability of reused lumber
Sustainability of lumber alternatives
Sustainability vs. affordability
Design for disassembly
Beyond lumber: sustainable wood products


Webinar Instructions

All attendees must log-on through their own email – attendees may not watch together if they wish to earn continuing education credit. HalfMoon Education Inc. must be able to prove attendance if either the attendee or HalfMoon Education Inc. is audited.

Certificates of completion can be downloaded in PDF form upon passing a short quiz. A link to the quiz will be sent to each qualifying attendee immediately after the webinar. The certificate can be downloaded from the Results page of the quiz upon scoring 80% or higher.

Webinars are presented via GoToWebinar, an easy-to-use application that can be run on most systems and tablets. Instructions and login information will be provided in an email sent close to the date of the webinar. It is highly recommended that you download, install and test the application before the webinar begins by clicking on the link in the email.

GoToWebinar App requirements:
Windows 7 – 10 or Mac OSX Mavericks (10.9) – macOS Catalina (10.15)

Web Browser:
The two most recent version of the following browsers:
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer v11 (or later) with Flash enabled

Internet connection: Minimum of 1Mbps       Hardware: 2GB RAM or more

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Professional Engineers:
2.0 PDHs

2.0 HSW CE Hours

International Code Council:
.2 CEUs (Sustainability)


Continuing Education Credit Information
See each course listing for the type and amount of each continuing education credit available. Individual courses for engineers and architects are not subject to pre-approval. HalfMoon Education does not apply for landscape courses in NY or land surveyor courses in NJ or TN, unless expressly stated.

HalfMoon Education Certifying Entities
American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (No. J885)
International Code Council (No. 1232)
Landscape Architect Continuing Education System
American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)
Boards of Engineering: Florida (No. 0004647), Indiana (License No. CE21700059),
Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), and North Carolina (No. S-0130).

Course-by-Course Providers:
Association of State Floodplain Managers
International Society of Arboriculture
Society of American Foresters

HalfMoon Education is deemed a New York-approved continuing education provider for engineers, architects, and landscape architects via its registration with the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (Regulations of the Commissioner §68.14(i)(2), §69.6(i)(2), and §79-1.5(i)(2)). Only AIA HSW-approved courses qualify for New York engineer and architect credit.

Completion certificates will be awarded to participants who complete this event, respond to prompts, and earn a passing score (80%) on the quiz that follows the presentation (multiple attempts allowed).


David Bennink

Owner at RE-USE Consulting

Mr. Bennink of the Building Deconstruction Institute has trained groups in 44 States/4 Provinces, helping start new sustainable businesses and diverting over 100,000,000 pounds from landfills. He focuses on growing the circular economy, zero waste/energy movements, embodied carbon, and sustainable building. Re-Use has completed over 1200 deconstruction projects, and has worked on 3600+ projects. To keep in practice, Mr. Bennink also runs a reuse store and deconstruction contracting firm, markets reclaimed wood, and salvages and sells mature landscaping from jobsites. Voted National Deconstructor of the Year, he also recently won a Sustainable Leadership Award and National Reuse Educator of the Year.

AIA Info

AIA Provider Statement:

HalfMoon Education Inc. is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider Number J885. All registered AIA/CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs. Any questions or concerns about this provider of learning program may be sent to AIA/CES ( or (800) AIA 3837, Option 3).

This learning program is registered with AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.

AIA continuing education credit has been reviewed and approved by AIA/CES. Learners must complete the entire learning program to receive continuing education credit. AIA continuing education Learning Units earned upon completion of this course will be reported to AIA/CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request.

Course Title: Deep Dive into Sustainable Lumber

Delivery Method: Live Online

Course Description: This course examines the qualities of sustainable lumber, types of wood that are inherently more sustainable, sustainable wood certifications, sustainability of local lumber, reused lumber, and lumber alternatives, problems associated with unsustainable lumber, and Designing for Disassembly.

Learning Objectives:

Learning Objective 1:
Learners will be able to explain what sustainable lumber is and what constitutes unsustainable is and the problems it causes.

Learning Objective 2:
Learners will be able to identify what types of wood are inherently more sustainable, and they will be able to identify sustainable lumber certifications to ensure the products they purchase are sustainable.

Learning Objective 3:
Learners will be able to describe the sustainable qualities of local lumber, reused lumber, and alternatives to lumber.

Learning Objective 4:
Learners will be able to discuss the principles and practice of Designing for Disassembly, wherein structures are designed for the eventual recovery of materials at the end of the structures’ lifecycle.

LUs: 2.0                                                                                              LU Type: LU|HSWs.

Prerequisites: Awareness and concern for the environmental damage caused by harvesting lumber from unmanaged sources

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Intermediate

Course Expiration Date: 04/29/2024

Complaint Resolution Policy:

Complaints regarding this course can be emailed to  or by calling (715) 835-5900. A HalfMoon Education representative will respond within 72 hours to resolve the complaint, which will include, but not limited to, access to another CE activity at no or reduced cost or a full or partial refund. Each instance will be resolved on a case-by-case situation.

Streamable MP4/PDF Price: $119.00

Add to Cart ($119.00)