Structural Design Loads in Accordance with the ASCE-7 Standard Seminar
Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am
Morning Session: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Lunch (On your own): 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Afternoon Session: 1:00 – 4:30 pm
Basic requirements
General structural integrity
Classification of buildings and other structures
Additions and alterations to existing structures
Load types/cases
Combinations of Loads
Ultimate strength design versus working stress design
Load combinations
Dead Loads, Soil Loads, and Hydrostatic Pressure
Weights of materials and constructions
Soil loads and hydrostatic pressure
Live Loads
Uniformly distributed loads
Required live loads
Provision for partitions
Concentrated loads
Loads on handrails, guardrail systems, grab bar systems,
vehicle barrier systems, and fixed ladders
Impact loads
Live load reduction
Flood Loads
Design loads
Loads on breakaway walls
Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads
Wave loads
Wind Loads
Allowed procedures (methods 1, 2, 3)
Basic definitions and requirements
Main wind force resisting system versus components and cladding
Wind speed, importance factor, exposure, enclosure classifications
Method 1—simplified procedure
Method 2—analytical procedure
Snow Loads
Ground and roof snow loads
Design coefficients
Unbalanced and snow drift loads
Rain Loads
Seismic Design Criteria
Scope and applicability
Seismic ground motion values/geologic hazards
and geotechnical investigation
Importance factor and occupancy category
Seismic design category
Simplified structural design criteria for
simple bearing wall or building frame systems
Seismic design requirements for nonstructural components
6.5 HSW Contact Hours
6.5 AIA HSW Learning Units
Professional Engineers
6.5 Contact Hours/PDHs
Building Performance Institute
1.86 CEUs
International Code Council
6.5 Contact Hours
Non-Mandatory Cont. Ed.
Continuing Education Credit Information
This seminar is open to the public and offers up to 6.5 HSW continuing education hours to architects and 6.5 PDHs to professional engineers in all states.
HalfMoon Education is deemed a New York-approved continuing education provider for architects via its affiliation with the American Institute of Architects. HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education provider for New York engineers (NYSED Sponsor No. 35) and New Jersey engineers (Approval No. 24GP00000700). HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for architects and engineers in Florida and is an approved engineer continuing education provider in Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, and North Dakota.
This event is approved by the American Institute of Architects for 6.5 HSW Learning Units (Sponsor No. J885). Courses approved by the AIA qualify for New Jersey architects.
The Building Performance Institute has awarded 1.86 CEUs for the completion of this seminar.
The International Code Council has approved this event for 6.5 contact hours (.65 CEUs) in the specialty area of building.
This event offers a continuing education opportunity to construction contractors, but it has not been approved by any state with a continuing education requirement for contractors.
Attendance will be monitored, and attendance certificates will be available after the seminar for most individuals who complete the entire event. Attendance certificates not available at the seminar will be mailed to participants within fifteen business days.
Patrick Conlon, PE
Founder and Managing Principal of Conlon Engineering, LLCMr. Conlon is a licensed professional engineer with 25 years of high-profile structural engineering experience. He has lent his expertise and creativity to large, challenging new high-profile construction projects including the iconic Yankee Stadium, the 75-story tall One57 in Manhattan, and the new 22,000 sf steel-framed column-free Blessed Kateri Church in Lagrangeville, New York, as well as numerous other projects of various scales. The owners, architects, contractors, and property managers with whom he collaborates seek him out as a project partner because of his work ethic and focused client service. As founder and managing principal of Conlon Engineering, LLC, Brookfield, Connecticut, Mr. Conlon has created a culture that is highly client-focused and disciplined, making it easy for colleagues to recommend him. He takes great pride in their ability to address structural challenges for diverse clients in the firm’s areas of new construction, renovation and structural rehabilitation of existing structures in a variety of categories including commercial, residential, industrial, office, school, religious, historic and recreational buildings; adaptive reuse projects; LEED accredited projects; peer reviews of other engineers’ work, and feasibility studies.