Stormwater Basins and Underground Systems
A Two-Day Webinar Series!
Stormwater Basins and Underground Systems Part I
Monday, May 11, 2020, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm CDT (including a 30 min. break)
Urban and Suburban Stormwater Management
System Objectives and Design Considerations
J. Brunoehler
Regulations addressing stormwater quality and management
• Clean Water Act
• Federal, state and local requirements
Site assessment
Preparing stormwater pollution prevention plans
• Stormwater goals
• Design considerations
Regulation between City and State Requirements
per the EPA Clean Water Act
J. Brunoehler
Wisconsin Adm. Code NR 151 for stormwater quality and quantity standards
Updated Dane County Inlet protection requirements for construction
DNR post-construction standards and Standards Oversight Council
process to draft and implement standards
Choosing Storage System Types
J. Brunoehler
Detention basins
• Stormwater routing, sediment handling, outlet
Retention ponds
• Stormwater routing, sediment handling, soils and vegetation
Infiltration basins
• Stormwater routing, sediment and chemical handlings, soils and vegetation
Stormwater Basins and Underground Systems Part II
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:00 am – 2:30 pm CDT (including a 30 min. break)
Choosing an Underground Storage System
J. Brunoehler
Retention systems
• Stormwater routing, sizing, design criteria
Detention/infiltration systems
• Stormwater routing, infiltration, sizing, design criteria
Sustainable Best Practices in Stormwater
Detention/Retention and Conveyance/Detention
A. Cizek
Naturalizing detention/retention basins
Small detention areas vs. large detention area
Rain gardens
Water reuse options
Recharging groundwater table
Retrofitting existing systems and basins
6.5 HSW CE Hours
Professional Engineers
6.5 PDHs
Landscape Architects
6.5 HSW CE Hours
Floodplain Managers
Continuing Education Credit Information
HalfMoon Education Certifying Entities:
American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (No. J885)
International Code Council (No. 1232)
Landscape Architect Continuing Education System
American Institute of Certified Planners (APA)
Boards of Engineering: Florida (No. 0004647), Indiana (License No. CE21700059),
Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), North Carolina (No. S-0130),
and North Dakota.
Course-by-Course Providers: Association of State Floodplain Managers
HalfMoon Education is deemed a New York-approved continuing education provider for engineers and architects via its registration with the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (Regulations of the Commissioner §68.14(i)(2) and §69.6(i)(2)). NY landscape architects: §79-1.5(i)(2).
Jake Brunoehler
Regional Engineer for ADS
Mr. Brunoehler is a licensed professional engineer in Wisconsin, and he received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University. He previously worked as a project engineer for Patrick Engineering in southeast Wisconsin. As a project engineer, Mr. Brunoehler had the opportunity to work along the entire I-94 North/South corridor through Racine and Kenosha Counties as a consultant to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Prior to his move to Wisconsin in 2009, he worked as an engineering technician for a private firm in Michigan and as a project manager for the Norfolk Southern Railway. Currently, Mr. Brunoehler is the Wisconsin regional engineer for ADS as the technical specialist in stormwater modeling, manufacturing, specifications, structural design, best construction and inspection practices, and more. In his spare time, he enjoys home-brewing, woodworking, and travels with his wife as members of a traditional Irish band.
Adrienne Cizek
Stormwater Solutions Engineering, LLCSenior Project Engineer, Stormwater Solutions Engineering, LLC
Ms. Cizek earned her PhD degree studying ecological-based stormwater systems, focusing on regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC) at North Carolina State University. Her professional history involves designing innovative and integrated approaches to wastewater, graywater, stormwater, and rainwater collection, treatment, and reuse. Her experience includes managing the installation of systems, as well as permitting and outreach through workshops and training. Ms. Cizek’s role at Stormwater Solutions Engineering includes a variety of projects, including green infrastructure design and community engagement as well as floodplain modeling, stormwater management plans, permitting, grant applications, and culvert design. She also serves as a team member developing WDNR technical guidance with the Standards Oversight Council and teaches a course on Ecosystem Services in Stormwater BMPs through the UW-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education.
AIA Info
AIA Provider Statement:
HalfMoon Education Inc. is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider Number J885. All registered AIA/CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs. Any questions or concerns about this provider of learning program may be sent to AIA/CES ( or (800) AIA 3837, Option 3).
This learning program is registered with AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.
AIA continuing education credit has been reviewed and approved by AIA/CES. Learners must complete the entire learning program to receive continuing education credit. AIA continuing education Learning Units earned upon completion of this course will be reported to AIA/CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request.
Course Title: Stormwater Basins and Underground Systems
Delivery Method: Live
Course Description: This 6.5 hour live lecture presentation examines objectives and design considerations for urban and suburban stormwater management, city and state regulation requirements per the EPA Clean Water Act, selecting stormwater storage system types and underground storage systems, and sustainable best practices in stormwater detention, retention and conveyance/detention.
Learning Objectives:
Learning Objective 1:
Learners will be able to compare and contrast urban and stormwater management system objectives and design considerations.
Learning Objective 2:
Learners will be able to discuss regulation between city and state requirements per the EPA Clean Water Act.
Learning Objective 3:
Learners will be able to identify the types of stormwater storage systems and describe their applications, including detention basins, retention ponds, and infiltration basins.
Learning Objective 4:
Learners will be able to the describe applications and selection criteria between underground stormwater storage systems, including retention systems and detention/infiltration systems.
Learning Objective 5:
Learners will be able to select appropriate sustainable best practices in stormwater detention/retention and conveyance/detention, including naturalizing basins, small versus large detention areas, rain gardens, water reuse, recharging groundwater tables, and retrofitting existing systems and basins.
LUs: 6.5 LU Type: LU|HSWs.
Prerequisites: Experience with site development and awareness of stormwater issues
Advance Preparation: None
Program Level: Intermediate
Course Expiration Date: 2/26/2023
Complaint Resolution Policy:
Complaints regarding this course can be emailed to or by calling (715) 835-5900. A HalfMoon Education representative will respond within 72 hours to resolve the complaint, which will include, but not limited to, access to another CE activity at no or reduced cost or a full or partial refund. Each instance will be resolved on a case-by-case situation.