Solar Photovoltaic System Design
Design Your Solar Roof
Wednesday, February 8, 2017, 11:00 AM – 2:15 PM CST (incl. a 15 minute break)
Introduction to solar design software
• Use Google Earth to pick a rooftop for your design
• Model an array layout with software-based assistance (software is provided)
Impact of module and inverter selection on system wiring
Residential interconnection options and grounding parameters
Wire/conduit selection and voltage drop
Convert array layout into a racking plan
Prepare your solar design for structural engineering
Permit package and code requirements
Community Solar
Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 11:00 AM – 2:15 PM CST (incl. a 15 minute break)
Definition of community solar
Fundamentals of regulated and deregulated grid structures.
Online resources for identifying state green energy policy
Renewable energy credit (REC) transactions and pricing
Analyze community solar case studies across multiple states
Community solar development models
Understand how state and utility policy impacts community solar modeling
Community solar contract terms and conditions
Utility-scale design considerations
Economic payback of community solar participation
Compare community solar to direct ownership
Explore alternatives to community solar
Solar Battery Management Systems
Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 11:00 AM – 2:15 PM CST (incl. a 15 minute break)
Components and specifications review
Battery management systems
1. Off-grid
2. Standby power
3. Peak demand shaving
4. Energy arbitrage
Compare and contrast with batteryless solar
Electric service considerations – new and retrofit
Economic analysis 2015-2020
Honorable mentions in storage technology
Webinar Instructions
All attendees must log-on through their own email – attendees may not watch together if they wish to earn continuing education credit. HalfMoon Education Inc. must be able to prove attendance if either the attendee or HalfMoon Education Inc. is audited.
Certificates of completion can be downloaded in PDF form upon passing a short quiz. A link to the quiz will be sent to each qualifying attendee immediately after the webinar. The certificate can be downloaded from the Results page of the quiz upon scoring 80% or higher.
Webinars are presented via GoToWebinar, an easy-to-use application that can be run on most systems and tablets. Instructions and login information will be provided in an email sent close to the date of the webinar. It is highly recommended that you download, install and test the application before the webinar begins by clicking on the link in the email.
GoToWebinar system requirements:
Operating System:
Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10
Mac OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) – 10.11 (El Capitan)
Web Browser:
Chrome v34+, Firefox v34+, Internet Explorer 8+, Microsoft Edge, Safari v6+
Internet connection: Minimum of 1Mbps Hardware: 2GB RAM or more
9.0 HSW Contact Hours
9.0 HSW LUs
9.0 PDHs
6.0 CEUs
Continuing Education Credit Information
HalfMoon Education is an American Institute of Architects-approved continuing education sponsor (No. J885), is an approved continuing education sponsor for architects in Florida, and is deemed an approved sponsor for architects in New York. Other states do not preapprove educators or courses. Check each webinar for the number of contact hours available.HalfMoon Education is an approved engineer continuing education provider in Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), New York (NYSED Sponsor No. 35), North Carolina, and North Dakota. Other states do not preapprove educators or courses. These webinars offer engineer continuing education credit in all states. Check each course listing for the number of PDHs available. Participation and knowledge retention will be verified for these webinar events, certificates of completion will be provided, and LUs will be reported to the AIA. The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners has approved two of the solar photovoltaic webinars, Design Your Solar Roof and Solar Battery Management Systems. Please see individual course listings for credit approval.
Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Do Not Use
There are 3 Courses in This Seminar
Design Your Solar Roof
WebinarFebruary 8, 2017Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Do Not Use
Community Solar
WebinarFebruary 15, 2017Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Do Not Use
Solar Battery Management Systems
WebinarFebruary 22, 2017Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Jr Cromer (old Bio - Do Not Use)
Do Not Use