
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices
Thursday, February 16, 2017, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CST

   Preservation of natural features and conservation design

   Reducing impervious cover

   Stream daylighting

   Conservation of natural areas

   Riparian buffers and filter strips


Green Stormwater Management Techniques
Friday, February 10, 2017, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM CST

   Vegetated swales

   Disconnected runoff

   Rain gardens

   Green roofs

   Stormwater planters

   Rain barrels/cisterns

   Porous pavement

   Proprietary practices

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     4.0 HSW Contact Hours

     4.0 PDHs

Continuing Education Credit Information

HalfMoon Education is an American Institute of Architects-approved continuing education sponsor (No. J885), is an approved continuing education sponsor for architects in Florida, and is deemed an approved sponsor for architects in New York. Other states do not preapprove educators or courses. Check each webinar for the number of contact hours available.HalfMoon Education is an approved engineer continuing education provider in Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), New York (NYSED Sponsor No. 35), North Carolina, and North Dakota. Other states do not preapprove educators or courses. These webinars offer engineer continuing education credit in all states. Check each course listing for the number of PDHs available. Participation and knowledge retention will be verified for these webinar events, certificates of completion will be provided, and LUs will be reported to the AIA. Please see individual course listings for credit approval.


Steven Trinkaus, PE

Principal at Trinkaus Engineering, LLC, in Southbury, CT

Mr. Trinkaus is an internationally-recognized expert in the field of low impact development (LID), having presented at many American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental & Water Resource Institute (ASCE/EWRI) international conferences and many other regional conferences and workshops on LID and water quality issues. He was invited by the Water Resources Agency in Taichung, Taiwan, to present a 12-hour workshop on LID in December of 2011. Mr. Trinkaus has been an invited presenter and consultant multiple times on stormwater and LID in China and South Korea since 2013. He has designed LID retrofits in Zhenjiang, China. Mr. Trinkaus has reviewed and edited LID reports by Pusan National University and Land & Housing Institute in South Korea. Mr. Trinkaus has written LID design manuals for the towns of Tolland, Plainville, Harwinton, Morris, and East Granby, Connecticut. He has designed many types of LID treatment systems for a variety of residential and commercial applications. Mr. Trinkaus is primary author of the EWRI Filter Strip/Bioswales Task Committee. Mr. Trinkaus is a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut and Maryland. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management in 1980 from the University of New Hampshire. Mr. Trinkaus has more than 39 years of experience in the land development field and more than 19 years of experience designing low impact development treatment systems and 10 years writing LID regulations and design manuals.

There are 2 Courses in This Seminar

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices

WebinarFebruary 9, 2017
Steven Trinkaus


Steven Trinkaus, PE

Principal at Trinkaus Engineering, LLC, in Southbury, CT

Mr. Trinkaus is an internationally-recognized expert in the field of low impact development (LID), having presented at many American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental & Water Resource Institute (ASCE/EWRI) international conferences and many other regional conferences and workshops on LID and water quality issues. He was invited by the Water Resources Agency in Taichung, Taiwan, to present a 12-hour workshop on LID in December of 2011. Mr. Trinkaus has been an invited presenter and consultant multiple times on stormwater and LID in China and South Korea since 2013. He has designed LID retrofits in Zhenjiang, China. Mr. Trinkaus has reviewed and edited LID reports by Pusan National University and Land & Housing Institute in South Korea. Mr. Trinkaus has written LID design manuals for the towns of Tolland, Plainville, Harwinton, Morris, and East Granby, Connecticut. He has designed many types of LID treatment systems for a variety of residential and commercial applications. Mr. Trinkaus is primary author of the EWRI Filter Strip/Bioswales Task Committee. Mr. Trinkaus is a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut and Maryland. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management in 1980 from the University of New Hampshire. Mr. Trinkaus has more than 39 years of experience in the land development field and more than 19 years of experience designing low impact development treatment systems and 10 years writing LID regulations and design manuals.

Green Stormwater Management Techniques

Green Stormwater Management Techniques

WebinarFebruary 10, 2017
Steven Trinkaus


Steven Trinkaus, PE

Principal at Trinkaus Engineering, LLC, in Southbury, CT

Mr. Trinkaus is an internationally-recognized expert in the field of low impact development (LID), having presented at many American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental & Water Resource Institute (ASCE/EWRI) international conferences and many other regional conferences and workshops on LID and water quality issues. He was invited by the Water Resources Agency in Taichung, Taiwan, to present a 12-hour workshop on LID in December of 2011. Mr. Trinkaus has been an invited presenter and consultant multiple times on stormwater and LID in China and South Korea since 2013. He has designed LID retrofits in Zhenjiang, China. Mr. Trinkaus has reviewed and edited LID reports by Pusan National University and Land & Housing Institute in South Korea. Mr. Trinkaus has written LID design manuals for the towns of Tolland, Plainville, Harwinton, Morris, and East Granby, Connecticut. He has designed many types of LID treatment systems for a variety of residential and commercial applications. Mr. Trinkaus is primary author of the EWRI Filter Strip/Bioswales Task Committee. Mr. Trinkaus is a licensed professional engineer in Connecticut and Maryland. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management in 1980 from the University of New Hampshire. Mr. Trinkaus has more than 39 years of experience in the land development field and more than 19 years of experience designing low impact development treatment systems and 10 years writing LID regulations and design manuals.