
Distributed Batteries for Solar PV Systems, Part I
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 11:00 AM – 2:15 PM

   Overview of residential, commercial, and utility battery applications

   Residential: cost-benefit analysis   

   Commercial: cost-benefit analysis 

   Utility scale

   Battery types


   120kWh residential solar battery case study

Distributed Batteries for Solar PV Systems, Part II
Friday, April 3, 2020, 11:00 AM – 2:15 PM CDT

   The battery

   Installation requirements

   Budget and payback

   Balance of system requirements

   Battery inverter

   Battery sizing

   Adding batteries to existing systems


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     6.0 PDHs

     6.0 HSW CE Hours

     6.0 LU|HSW

Continuing Education Credit Information

These live, interactive webinars are designed to qualify for engineer, architect and/or landscape architect continuing education credit in most states. Course participants need to be aware of any state continuing education restrictions/limitations on distant learning. See each webinar listing for offered credits.

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John Cromer

John Cromer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a BSE degree in mechanical engineering with 12 years of industry experience designing and installing residential and commercial solar photovoltaic power projects up to 1MW in size, with an emphasis on rooftop solar. Before transitioning into the solar industry, he worked as a control system engineer in oil and gas for Fluor Corporation. He has since obtained his Master Electrician and Residential Contractor certificate of responsibilities, as well as a NABCEP PV Installer industry certificate.  Writing and teaching solar training programs in between projects, his latest programs include content on batteries and electronic load control, for both residential and commercial applications. He is the founder of energy controller company Levll.

There are 2 Courses in This Seminar

Distributed Batteries for Solar PV Systems, Part I

Distributed Batteries for Solar PV Systems, Part I

WebinarApril 2, 2020
John Cromer


John Cromer

John Cromer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a BSE degree in mechanical engineering with 12 years of industry experience designing and installing residential and commercial solar photovoltaic power projects up to 1MW in size, with an emphasis on rooftop solar. Before transitioning into the solar industry, he worked as a control system engineer in oil and gas for Fluor Corporation. He has since obtained his Master Electrician and Residential Contractor certificate of responsibilities, as well as a NABCEP PV Installer industry certificate.  Writing and teaching solar training programs in between projects, his latest programs include content on batteries and electronic load control, for both residential and commercial applications. He is the founder of energy controller company Levll.

Distributed Batteries for Solar PV Systems, Part II

Distributed Batteries for Solar PV Systems, Part II

WebinarApril 3, 2020
John Cromer


John Cromer

John Cromer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a BSE degree in mechanical engineering with 12 years of industry experience designing and installing residential and commercial solar photovoltaic power projects up to 1MW in size, with an emphasis on rooftop solar. Before transitioning into the solar industry, he worked as a control system engineer in oil and gas for Fluor Corporation. He has since obtained his Master Electrician and Residential Contractor certificate of responsibilities, as well as a NABCEP PV Installer industry certificate.  Writing and teaching solar training programs in between projects, his latest programs include content on batteries and electronic load control, for both residential and commercial applications. He is the founder of energy controller company Levll.