Mapping, Managing and Regulating Floodplains
Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am
Morning Session: 8:30 am – 12:15 pm
Lunch (On your own): 12:15 – 1:15 pm
Afternoon Session: 1:15 – 4:30 pm
Floods, Floodplains and Floodplain Management
Identifying floodplains
Flood facts and terminology
Flood hazards and flood risks
Three basic types of flooding (and other “unique” types)
Floodplains, floodways, and coastal conditions: impact on development
Why floodplain management matters
Objectives and purpose of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Evolution of the NFIP and its components
NFIP approaches to floodplain management
Flood Maps and Flood Zones
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) contents and development
• Understanding flood zone designations
• Approaches to mapping floodplains
• Components of flood maps
• Digital mapping
• Map Modernization and Risk MAP
Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Reports
Impacts of flood zone designations and mapping
Understanding, distinguishing between, and requesting Letters of Map Change (LOMC)
Elevations in the NFIP
The impact of elevations in the NFIP
Sources of elevation
The role of Elevation Certificates in the NFIP and related technical guidance
Federal, State, and Local Floodplain Regulation
Federal NFIP regulations: where, what, and why
Effects of regulations and legislation on building construction and improvement
The role of lenders in the NFIP
State and local roles in regulating floodplain development
The role of advisory elevation and mapping data
Practical Applications
Technical guidance and advisory documents
Preparing for resiliency
Planning for future conditions
Practical applications exercise
6.5 HSW Contact Hours
6.5 AIA HSW Learning Units
Landscape Architects
6.5 HSW Contact Hours
LA CES Approval Pending
Professional Engineers
6.5 PDHs
Floodplain Managers
Voluntary Cont. Ed.
Continuing Education Credit Information
This seminar is open to the public and offers up to 6.5 HSW continuing education hours to architects and landscape architects and 6.5 PDHs to professional engineers in most states, including Pennsylvania. Courses and course providers are not subject to pre-approval in Pennsylvania.
This seminar is approved by the American Institute of Architects for 6.5 HSW Learning Units (Sponsor No. J885) and course approval is pending from the Landscape Architect Continuing Education System.
The Association of State Floodplain Managers has approved this event for 6.5 CECs.
This seminar also offers a continuing education opportunity to construction contractors but has not been submitted to any contractor licensing entity for course approval.
Attendance will be monitored, and attendance certificates will be available after the seminar for most individuals who complete the entire event. Attendance certificates not available at the seminar will be mailed to participants within fifteen business days.
Wendy Lathrop, PLS, CFM, CFS
President and Owner of Cadastral Consulting, LLC in PennsylvaniaMs. Lathrop is licensed as a professional land surveyor in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, and as a professional planner in New Jersey. She holds a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and has been involved in surveying since 1974 in projects ranging from construction to boundary to environmental land use disputes. Ms. Lathrop is also a certified floodplain manager through the Association of State Flood Plain Managers (ASFPM) and a Certified Floodplain Surveyor through the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors. A former adjunct instructor at Mercer County College in New Jersey, she has also taught as part of the team for the licensing exam review course at Drexel University in Pennsylvania. Ms. Lathrop has been teaching seminars for surveyors since 1986 and has been writing articles for surveyors since 1983. She is a contributing editor for The American Surveyor magazine, and she has four articles included in the American Bar Association’s text, Land Surveys: A Guide for Lawyers and Other Professionals. She and Stephen V. Estopinal, PLS, PE co–authored a book titled Professional Surveyors and Real Property Descriptions: Composition, Construction, and Comprehension, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in 2011. She is also on the faculty of GeoLearn, a web-based educational provider. Ms. Lathrop is a past president of the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors and of the National Society of Professional Surveyors, and she has served on the Board of Directors for the American Association for Geodetic Surveying.