2015 International Building Code Seminar
Registration 8:00 – 8:30 am
Morning Session 8:30 am – 12:15 pm
Lunch (On your own) 12:15 – 1:15 pm
Afternoon Session 1:15 – 5:00 pm
Building Code Background and Application
Development of the code
Code update process
Code terminology
Code enforcement
Special Inspection
Referenced standards
Building Classification, Occupancy and Safety
Classification of structures
Occupancy and special uses
Special construction
Fire resistance-rated construction
Fire protection systems
Doors and windows
Means of egress
Regulation of Building Components
Exterior walls
Roof assemblies
Structural design
Soils and foundations
Use of Specific Materials and Construction Techniques
Concrete Aluminum
Glass and glazing
Regulation of Interior Construction
Gypsum board and plaster
Interior finishes
Interior environment
Energy efficiency
Complying with Safety Requirements during Construction and Miscellaneous
Protection of workers, public and adjoining property
Electrical, mechanical, plumbing
Any remaining appendices not yet touched on
7.0 CEHs (HSW)
7.0 AIA HSW Learning Units
Professionals Engineers
7.0 PDHs
4.0 Florida CE Hours
International Code Council
7.0 Contact Hours
Building Performance Institute
2.0 CEUs
Non-Mandatory Cont. Ed.
This seminar is open to the public and offers up to 7.0 HSW continuing education hours to architects and 7.0 PDHs to professional engineers in Alabama and most other states. Educators and courses are not subject to preapproval in Alabama.
This seminar is registered with the American Institute of Architects for 7.0 HSW Learning Units (Sponsor No. J885).
This program also qualifies for Florida architects and 4.0 Area of Practice hours for Florida engineers. HalfMoon Education is a Florida-approved continuing education sponsor for architects (Provider No. 0001388) and engineers (Provider No. 0004647). HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for engineers in Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), New York (NYSED SponsorNo. 35), North Carolina, and North Dakota.
The International Code Council has approved this event for 7.0 contact hours (.70 CEUs) in the specialty area of Building (Preferred Provider No. 1232).
The Building Performance Institute has awarded 2.0 CEUs for the completion of this course.
This program offers a continuing education opportunity to Alabama construction contractors, but it has not been submitted to any state contractor licensing entity for course approval.
Attendance will be monitored, and attendance certificates will be available after the seminar for most individuals who complete the entire event. Attendance certificates not available at the seminar will be mailed to participants within fifteen business days.
Bart Berneche
IAPMO's Uniform Evaluation ServiceSenior Engineer at IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation ServiceMr. Berneche brings more than 30 years of technical experience in construction and quality assurance; the most recent 20 years as a civil/structural engineer. With International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Uniform Evaluation Service (UES), and previously with ICC Evaluation Service as senior staff engineer, Mr. Berneche evaluates and certifies a wide range of building products. Prior to that Mr. Berneche worked as an engineer in the prefabricated building industry in management and as a consulting engineer. He earned his B.S.C.E. degree at the University of South Florida and is a registered professional engineer in several southeastern states. Mr. Berneche is a member of the Structural Engineers Association of Alabama, where he serves on the Board of Directors.
Barry Johnson
IAPMO's Uniform Evaluation ServiceSenior Engineer at IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation ServiceMr. Johnson brings nearly 30 years of technical experience in design and construction as a civil/structural engineer. He serves as senior staff engineer, working on the building products listing program in addition to working on deck, guardrail, roofing and exterior wall cladding evaluation reports and reviewing reports to the Florida building codes. He spent 23 years with ICC, working in both technical services and evaluation services. Mr. Johnson earned his B.S.C.E. degree from the University of Alabama and his MBA degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a registered professional engineer in Alabama and Florida.