Senior Wetland and Bat Biologist at EnviroScience, Inc.
Ms. Willaman specializes in Federally Endangered Indiana Bat and Wetland/Stream delineation and permitting. As an endangered bat biologist, she has in-depth USFWS Section 7 consulting experience, knowledge of northeastern bats and their habitat, and years of field survey practice including habitat tree identification, mist-net surveys, acoustic monitoring surveys, and radio telemetry. As a wetland biologist she has over 20 years of experience delineating wetlands and performing consultation with federal, state and local regulatory agencies regarding jurisdictional determinations, Clean Water Act 401, 404 and Nationwide permitting, mitigation planning, and monitoring. Additionally, Ms. Willaman has experience in plant identification, macroinvertebrate ecology, environmental remediation, avian surveys, entomology studies, wildlife management, endangered species surveys and mapping techniques using GPS and AutoCAD.

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