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Kerski, Joseph

Dr. Kerski is a geographer and educator focused on GIS-based curriculum development, research in the effectiveness of GIS in education; professional development for educators; communication about the need for geographic skills, tools, and perspectives through keynote addresses, articles, social media, and workshops; and fostering partnerships to support GIS in education. He has given two TED talks and has created over 5,000 geo-related videos. Dr. Kerski also teaches online and face-to-face courses at primary and secondary schools, through MOOCs, and universities such as Sinte Gleska University, Penn State, and the University of Denver. He is active in educational nonprofit organizations, including NAAEE, AAG, and NCSS, and he served as president of the National Council for Geographic Education. After serving as geographer at NOAA, US Census Bureau, and USGS, since 2006 Dr Kerski has served as education manager for Esri, providing thought leadership in geospatial technologies in formal and informal education at all levels, internationally. He has written books such as Interpreting Our World, Spatial Mathematics, International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, The Essentials of the Environment, Tribal GIS, and The GIS Guide to Public Domain Data. As a lifelong learner, Dr Kerski feels as though he’s just getting started and thus actively seeks mentors, partners, and collaborators.