National Electrical Code, Part II
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July 27, 2016, 12:00 – 4:30 PM EDT (including a 30 min. break)
Article 240 – Overcurrent Protection
• Overcurrent Protection Overview
• Protection of Conductors
• Round-Up Rule
• Small-Conductor Rule
• Tap Rules
• Transformer Secondary Conductor Rules
Article 250 – Grounding and Bonding
• Grounding and Bonding Terms Defined
• Grounding Electrode Conductor Sizing
• Sizing Conductors in Table 250.102(C)(1)
• Equipment Grounding Conductor Sizing
• Permitted Connection Methods for Grounding and Bonding
• Separately Derived Systems
• Grounding and Bonding for Separate Buildings and Structures
4.0 HSW Contact Hours
(AIA: 4.0 HSW LUs)
4.0 PDHs
International Code Council:
4.0 Contact Hours
0.4 CEUs
HalfMoon Education is approved as a continuing education sponsor by the American Institute of Architects (Provider No. J885). HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for architects in Florida and is deemed an approved sponsor in New York. HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for engineers in Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), NewYork (NYSED Sponsor No. 35), North Carolina, and North Dakota. Educators and courses for architects and engineers are not subject to preapproval in other states.
Charles Miller
Master Electrician, business owner, author, educator in Lebanon, TN
Mr. Miller spent 18 years as a successful business owner and electrical contractor. Since then, he has focused his time and energy on writing and teaching to promote knowledge and proficiency among engineers, electricians, and tradespeople in the field. Throughout his career, he has passed more than 45 Master Electrical exams (with a score of 93 or higher) and seven Electrical Inspector exams. As an author and illustrator, he has an extensive list of electrical-related publications to his credit, including some published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Mr. Miller also sits on two NFPA committees, including the committee for the NFPA 70E standard.
“Even as an electrician and contractor working in commercial and industrial environments, I’ve always been a very visual person,” says Mr. Miller. “Codes and standards can be very difficult and very dry. As an instructor I try to convey the information in a way that enables my students to visualize more so they’ll retain the information and actually put it to good use.”
In 1988 he began to focus and dedicate himself to electrical-related training. Besides teaching his own custom tailored classes and seminars covering various aspects of the electrical industry, Mr. Miller partners with some of the top electrical training organizations in the country. His list of achievements include teaching with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
His work as an author and illustrator includes: Illustrated Guide to the National Electrical Code (Delmar Cengage Learning, 1999 – present); “Code In Focus” column for Electrical Contractor magazine (1999 – present); Pocket Guide to Residential Electrical Installations (NFPA, 2001 – 2011); Pocket Guide to Commercial and Industrial Electrical Installations (NFPA, 2001 – present); Ugly’s Electrical References (Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2019); Ugly’s Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E (Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2011); The Electrician’s Exam Prep Manual (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007); NFPA’s Pocket Electrical References (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007); and NFPA’s Electrical References (NFPA, 2004). Mr. Miller served for more than three years as a co-host of “House Calls,” a home improvement radio talk show on 1510 AM WLAC in Nashville, Tennessee.