Geothermal Heating and Cooling: Technology and Applications
Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am
Morning Session: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Lunch (On your own): 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Afternoon Session: 1:30 – 4:30 pm
The Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) Concept
Understanding the technology: how geothermal heating and cooling works (in 3½ minutes or less!)
Defining the GHP system: supply side versus delivery side
Understanding geothermal efficiency
Fundamentals of Geothermal Design
Five main factors of GHP system design
Proper GHP system sizing and loop length
Five primary GHP mechanical configurations: delivery systems must fit the technology
GHP domestic hot water options
Earth Loop Options: Selecting the Proper Ground Heat Exchanger (GHX)
Earth loop considerations are site specific
Vertically-bored GHX
Horizontally-drilled GHX
Horizontally-trenched GHX
Pond loops
Open loops
Reinjection wells
Pipe properties and fusion/joining methods
Grout properties and proper grouting methods
Headers, Vaults, and Flow Centers
Loop system flow requirements
Header configurations (think modular!)
Building penetrations
Manifold vaults
Loop pump and flow center options
Evaluating the Benefits of Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems
Eight main factors which determine GHP system cost
Nine main factors which determine GHP system benefit
Design examples and comparisons
Case Study:Clair Nelson Intermodal Transportation Center Finland, MN
6.5 Contact Hours (PDHs)
6.5 AIA HSW Learning Units
Professional Engineers
6.5 PDHs
Voluntary Continuing Ed.
Building Performance Institute
3.25 CEUs
Continuing Education Credit Information
This seminar is open to the public and offers 6.5 HSW continuing education hours to architects and 6.5 PDHs for professional engineers in all states. Educators and courses are not subject to preapproval in Minnesota.
This seminar is approved by the American Institute of Architects for 6.5 HSW Leaning Units (Sponsor No. J885).
HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for architects in Florida and is deemed an approved sponsor in New York. HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for engineers in Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), New York (NYSED Sponsor No. 35), North Carolina, and North Dakota.
The Building Performance Institute has approved this activity for 3.25 CEUs.
This course offers a continuing education opportunity to contractors. It has not been preapproved by any state contractor licensing board for mandatory continuing education credit.
Attendance will be monitored and attendance certificates will be available after the seminar for most individuals who complete the entire event. Attendance certificates not available at the seminar will be mailed to participants within fifteen business days.
Mark Sakry
Northern GroundSourceOwner and President of Northern GroundSource in Brimson, MinnesotaMr. Sakry is a geothermal technical consultant who is specially trained and professionally credentialed by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) as a certified geoexchange designer (CGD). This program “is designed to recognize professionals who have demonstrated high levels of experience, competence, proficiency, and ethical fitness in applying the principles and practices of geothermal heat pump design and related disciplines, as well as to raise the professional standards within the field. ”Mr. Sakry has designed and installed hundreds of residential and light commercial cold-climate geothermal systems since 2001, specializing in advanced hydronic split (radiant/forced air heating and cooling) applications; high-efficiency, multi-stage/variable speed forced air system; pond loops; vertically bored ground loops; and advanced horizontal ground heat exchanger designs.Mr. Sakry has been an accredited member of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) since 2001 andpresently holds special accreditation as an IGSHPA certified geo inspector (CGI). He was a founding director of the Minnesota Geothermal Heat Pump Association (MNGHPA) in 2008 and currently serves as president on its Board of Directors. Mr. Sakryis a frequent speaker and trainer at professional-technical conferences attended by architects, mechanical engineers, building contractors, GHP/HVAC installers, and building science professionals at both the state and national level.