Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am
Morning Session: 8:30 – 11:45 am
Lunch (On your own): 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Afternoon Session: 12:45 – 4:30 pm
Locating Land Boundaries on Paper (And on the Ground)
Interpreting land descriptions
• Metes and bounds
• Lot and block
• Dos and don’ts for writing descriptions
Applying principles of boundary location
• Collecting and evaluating all types of boundary
evidence: documents, physical evidence, people, surveys
• Locating the described land on a map
• Locating the described land on the ground
• Understanding and using geographic information systems (GIS)
Solving land description and boundary location problems
Identifying, Classifying and Locating Easements
What is and is not an easement
Reviewing state law on easements
Creating easements: easements by necessity, easements by use,
written easements
Identifying critical distinctions between easements in gross,
easements appurtenant and prescriptive easements
Maintaining easements
Knowing when and how to terminate easements
Obstructing use of easements and determining remedies for obstruction
Defining Trespass and Adverse Possession
Defining trespass
Reviewing the history of adverse possession
Maintaining a claim for adverse possession
• Statute of limitations
• Elements of a claim
Defending against a claim for adverse possession
Examining recent adverse possession cases
Understanding Riparian and Water Rights
History and development of riparian rights
Determining land boundaries near the water line
Determining access rights to surface waters
Determining rights to groundwater
Complying with regulations restricting access to and use of surface
water and groundwater
Avoiding, Identifying and Resolving Ethical
Issues in Land Transactions and Disputes
Conflicts of interest: identifying your client
What duties do you owe, and to whom do you owe them?
Do you need to maintain confidentiality, and for whom?
Complying with your professional responsibility for honesty and truthfulness
Practicing only in areas of competence
Ethical solicitation of business
Taking referrals from other professionals
6.5 Virginia CLE Hours( 1.0 Ethics)
7.8 West Virginia CLE Hours (1.2 Ethics)
Virginia Title Insurance
8.0 CE Title Hours
Virginia Engineers &
Land Surveyors
6.5 Credit Hours
Continuing Education Credit Information
This seminar is open to the public. The Virginia MCLE Board has approved it for 6.5 CLE hours, including 1.0 ethics hour, for attorneys. The West Virginia State Bar has approved it for 7.8 CLE hours, including 1.2 ethics hours.
The Virginia Insurance Continuing Education Board has approved this activity for 8.0 title continuing education credits for insurance producers.
This event offers 6.5 continuing education hours/PDHs to Virginia professional engineers and land surveyors. Educators and courses are not subject to preapproval in Virginia.
Attendance will be monitored and reported, as required. Attendance certificates will be available after the seminar for most individuals who complete the entire event. Attendance certificates not available at the seminar will be mailed to participants within fifteen business days.
Michael B. Davis
Professional Land Surveyor with DewberryMr. Davis is a professional land surveyor in Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia, with over 30 years of experience. This varied experience includes small individual boundary surveys, surveys for both commercial and residential land development projects, ALTA Land Title Surveys, and surveys for long range transportation projects, including rail and highway. In addition, Mr. Davis is an adjunct faculty professor at the Community College of Baltimore County in the Surveying/ Civil Engineering program. Classes taught include Elementary Surveying, Survey Computations, Topographic Mapping, Sediment Control and Hydrology, and Storm Drain Design. In 2016, Mr. Davis was awarded the Russell E. Lowman Memorial Educational award from the Maryland Society of Surveyors for his contribution to the education of surveyors.