
Webinar instructions will be emailed before the date of the webinar.

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Monday, August 5, 2024 
12:00 – 3:15 pm CDT


Presented by:
Wendy Lathrop, PLS, CFM, CFS
President and Owner of Cadastral Consulting, LLC


  • Determining what interest was conveyed, and why it matters
    •  Brief overview of methods of conveyancing
    •  Some factors to weigh
  • Recognizing historical context for measurements
    •  Equipment of the era
    •  Local practices
    •  Does it matter if the deed doesn’t “close”?
  • Finding information about abutting landowners
  • Overlaps and gaps
  • When we can apply the Hierarchy of Evidence, and when we shouldn’t
  • When lines of possession don’t match deed lines
  • The Surveyor’s Report – what it is and why prepare one


Webinar Instructions
All attendees must log-on through their own email – attendees may not watch together if they wish to earn continuing education credit. HalfMoon Education Inc. must be able to prove attendance if either the attendee or HalfMoon Education Inc. is audited.

Certificates of completion can be downloaded in PDF form upon passing a short quiz. A link to the quiz will be sent to each qualifying attendee immediately after the webinar. The certificate can be downloaded from the Results page of the quiz upon scoring 80% or higher.

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Land Surveyors
3.0 PDHs

3.0 PDHs

PIE - Practicing Institute of Engineering
3.0 PDHs


Continuing Education Credit Information

This webinar is open to the public and is designed to qualify for 3.0 PDHs for professional engineers and land surveyors in most states for whom this subject matter is professionally relevant. Please refer to specific state rules to determine eligibility.

HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for engineers in Florida (Provider License No: CEA362), Indiana (License No. CE21700059), Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00049300) and North Carolina (S-0130). HalfMoon Education is deemed an approved continuing education sponsor for New York engineers and land surveyors via its course approval from the Practicing Institute of Engineering (PIE). Most other states do not preapprove continuing education providers or courses.

This webinar has been evaluated for compliance with NYS Mandatory Continuing Education requirements for professional engineers and land surveyors by the Practicing Institute of Engineering, and has been approved for 3.0 PDHs.

HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for land surveyors licensed in Indiana (License No. CE10600325), Maryland, and North Carolina (S-0130). This webinar has been registered with the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers for 3.0 CE hours and has been approved by the Missouri APEPLSPLA Board for 3.0 PDUs for land surveyors.

Attendance will be monitored, and attendance certificates will be available after the webinars for those who attend the entire course and score a minimum 80% on the quiz that follows the course (multiple attempts allowed).

On-Demand Credits

The preceding credit information only applies to the live presentation. This course in an on-demand format may not be eligible for the same credits as the live presentation; please consult your licensing board(s) to ensure that a structured, asynchronous learning format is appropriate.


Wendy Lathrop, PLS, CFM, CFS

President and Owner of Cadastral Consulting, LLC in Pennsylvania

Ms. Lathrop is licensed as a professional land surveyor in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, and as a professional planner in New Jersey. She holds a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and has been involved in surveying since 1974 in projects ranging from construction to boundary to environmental land use disputes. Ms. Lathrop is also a certified floodplain manager through the Association of State Flood Plain Managers (ASFPM) and a Certified Floodplain Surveyor through the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors. A former adjunct instructor at Mercer County College in New Jersey, she has also taught as part of the team for the licensing exam review course at Drexel University in Pennsylvania. Ms. Lathrop has been teaching seminars for surveyors since 1986 and has been writing articles for surveyors since 1983. She is a contributing editor for The American Surveyor magazine, and she has four articles included in the American Bar Association’s text, Land Surveys: A Guide for Lawyers and Other Professionals. She and Stephen V. Estopinal, PLS, PE co–authored a book titled Professional Surveyors and Real Property Descriptions: Composition, Construction, and Comprehension, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in 2011. She is also on the faculty of GeoLearn, a web-based educational provider. Ms. Lathrop is a past president of the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors and of the National Society of Professional Surveyors, and she has served on the Board of Directors for the American Association for Geodetic Surveying.

Streamable MP4/PDF Price: $189.00

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