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Monday, March 31, 2025 
9:00 am – 4:00 pm CDT


How We Came to Get Our Water: Why it Matters Today
Presented by: Michael Hanemann

  • Evolution of water rights in California
  • Evolution of water supply in California

Water Appropriation and Usage in the Western U.S.
Presented by: Tom Hicks

  • Framing water commodification and privatization through a water rights lens
  • Past, present and future
    • Major users of water resources: municipalities, agriculture, industry
    • Usage by sector
    • Expected future use
  • Water law fundamentals – a brief overview
  • Riparian vs. appropriative rights
  • The public trust doctrine
  • Regulation/allocation of water rights
  • Takings law

Appraisal and Valuation of Water Rights
Presented by: Tom Hicks

  • Determining validity/ownership and due diligence reviews
  • Title and survey reviews
  • Site inspections
  • Water experts
  • Appraisers
  • Water right appraisals

Sustainable Groundwater Management Structures
Presented by: Fred Breedlove

  • Groundwater basins
  • Groundwater sustainability plans
  • Water markets and water banking

Investor-owned Vs. Municipal Utilities
Presented by: Michael Hanemann

  • History and roles
  • Similarities and differences
  • Challenges
  • The vexing issue of privatization

Necessity and Challenges of Water Banking in California
Presented by: David P. Hubbard

  • Connection between water banking and crop choice


Webinar Instructions

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6.0 PDHs

6.0 CLE Hours*

APA/AICP - American Planning Association/American Institute of Certified Planners
6 CM


Continuing Education Credit Information

This webinar is open to the public and is designed to qualify for 6.0 PDHs for professional engineers in all states that allow this learning method. Please refer to specific state rules to determine eligibility. 

The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement.  This activity may qualify for up to 6.0 hours toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona. 

HalfMoon Education is an approved Multiple Activity Provider with the State Bar of California (Provider Number 8370); this course is designed to qualify for 6.0 CLE hours for California attorneys. 

HalfMoon Education is an accredited CLE provider in the state of Texas and this course has been registered with the State Bar of Texas for 6.0 CLE hours. 

This webinar has been approved for 6.0 general CLE credits by the State Bar of Nevada. 

This webinar has been approved by the Utah State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 6.0 CLE credits. 

 HalfMoon Education is an approved CM Provider with the American Planning Association. This course is registered for CM | 6 for Certified Planners. 

 Attendance will be monitored, and attendance certificates will be available after the webinar for those who attend the entire course and score a minimum 80% on the quiz that follows the course (multiple attempts allowed). 

 *On-Demand Credits* 

The preceding credit information only applies to the live presentation. This course in an on-demand format is not pre-approved by any licensing boards and may not qualify for the same credits; please consult your licensing board(s) to ensure that a structured, asynchronous learning format is appropriate. 


Fred Breedlove

Of Counsel, Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Mr. Breedlove focuses his practice on water rights transactions and permitting, state and federal land permitting, mining, administrative law, and governmental relations. His experience includes a wide variety of water rights transactions (groundwater, surface water, and Colorado River entitlements), assured water supply permitting, consultation on compliance with active management area management plans, water rights due diligence and permitting, state land acquisition, and National Historic Preservation Act compliance. Mr. Breedlove has represented land developers, landowners, golf courses, ranchers, farmers, private water and energy utility businesses, government agencies, and private equity investment firms. He also served for five years as the legislative liaison for the Arizona Department of Water Resources, during which time he managed several bills that were enacted, including the 2007 Water Adequacy Amendments. Mr. Breedlove has experience with the Arizona legislative process, bill drafting, and government relations. He earned his B.S. degree from Western Washington University, his Master of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School and his J.D. degree from Vermont Law School.

Michael Hanemann

Professor & Julie A. Wrigley Chair in Sustainability, Director, Center for Environmental Economics & Sustainability Policy, Department of Economics Arizona State University, Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics UC Berkeley

Professor Hanemann was a Chancellor’s professor of environmental and resource economics in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics and Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley from 1976 to 2011 before going to Arizona State University where he is a professor in the Department of Economics and holds a Wrigley Chair in Sustainability in the School of Sustainability. He is still a research professor at UC Berkeley. Professor Hanemann served on the California water rights agency’s economic staff from 1986 to 1990 and as a consultant to that agency through 1993 working on several of its major water right decisions including the Mono Lake Decision. He designed the water rates that LA used successfully for 25 years. Professor Hanemann consulted with state and federal water agencies in California and elsewhere on water issues and served as an expert witness in major litigation on natural resource damages for oil spills as well as for eminent domain cases in California involving the public versus private supply of water. He has taught the economics of water at Berkeley and Arizona State University since 1982 and he has many academic publications on water. He has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University, a master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics, and a Ph.D degree in economics from Harvard. He was elected a member of the US National Academy of Sciences in 2011.

Tom Hicks

Attorney at Law

Mr. Hicks is a California water law, real property, and conservation attorney who represents a variety of public interest organizations, landowners, and others on select public policy, transactional, administrative, regulatory, and litigation matters. Before law school, he was an energy and water policy analyst at the Natural Heritage Institute and the founder and executive director of the Headwaters Institute. He has interned at the San Francisco Office of the City Attorney, California State Water Resources Control Board, and American Rivers. Mr. Hicks founded and chaired the inaugural California Water Law Symposium sponsored by leading northern California law schools and is a Board member. He is the author of the Water Education Foundation’s 2020 Layperson’s Guide to Water Rights Law, recognized as the most thorough explanation of California water rights law available to non-lawyers. He is a former whitewater raft guide, kayaker, and Colorado Outward Bound School instructor. Mr. Hicks holds a J.D. degree from the University of San Francisco School of Law and a B.A. degree from the University of Vermont.

David P. Hubbard

Gatzke Dillon & Ballance LLP

Mr. Hubbard specializes in environmental and land use law, with particular emphasis on issues arising under CEQA, NEPA, the federal and state Endangered Species Acts, the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), the federal Clean Water Act, the California Coastal Act, the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, and the California Planning and Zoning law. In the environmental and land use fields, Mr. Hubbard routinely addresses matters involving traffic, air quality, water quality, hydrology, water supply, noise, hazardous materials, land use compatibility, aesthetics, sensitive biological resources, including threatened and endangered species, marine resources, and historical resources. His expertise in these areas includes both planning, administrative and litigation matters. A significant portion of his practice includes assisting clients in preparing environmental impact reports, environmental impact statements, and supporting technical studies for complex or controversial projects.

Streamable MP4/PDF Price: $349.00

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