
Webinar instructions will be emailed before the date of the webinar.

Please log into the webinar 15 – 30 minutes before start time.

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8:00 – 8:30 am CDT
Morning Session
8:30 – 11:45 am CDT
11:45 am – 12:15 pm CDT
Afternoon Session
12:15 – 4:30 pm CDT


Understanding the Philosophy and                     K. Macy
Principles of Universal Design
Universal design: making places and products safe and accessible for everyone
History of barriers in built environments
Beyond barrier removal
Four tiers of accessible design

Designing Entryways and Promoting Interior Mobility                     F. Cawyer
Accessibility from parking areas and garages
Design of home entryways
Room-to-room mobility
Options for new construction and renovations

How to Apply the Goals of Universal Design: Kitchens                     K. Macy
Eight goals of universal design
Kitchen layout: recommendations and what to avoid
Appliance selection and placement: recommendations and what to avoid
Materials and finishes
• Cabinetry
• Hardware
• Flooring
Environmental controls
• Electric outlets
• Lighting
• Ventilation
• Acoustics

Universal Bath Design                     D. Rozell
Meeting the goals of safety and accessibility
Bathroom sizing and layout
Tub and shower design
Placing sinks and vanities
Toilet accessibility

Accessible Outdoor Living                     F. Cawyer
Designing porches and decks
Designing patios, pathways and paving
Enabling outdoor recreation

Reviewing Universal Residential Design Features:                     C. Leibrock
Virtual Tour of Green Mountain Ranch

Housing For Everyone: Promoting Universal                     K. Haapala
and Inclusive Design in Residential Environments
Case studies
Understanding the law including inclusive design for bathrooms
Processes and tools
Name that barrier!
Avoiding common mistakes
Lessons learned


 Webinar Instructions

All attendees must log-on through their own email – attendees may not watch together if they wish to earn continuing education credit. HalfMoon Education Inc. must be able to prove attendance if either the attendee or HalfMoon Education Inc. is audited.

Certificates of completion can be downloaded in PDF form upon passing a short quiz. A link to the quiz will be sent to each qualifying attendee immediately after the webinar. The certificate can be downloaded from the Results page of the quiz upon scoring 80% or higher.

Webinars are presented via GoToWebinar, an easy-to-use application that can be run on most systems and tablets. Instructions and login information will be provided in an email sent close to the date of the webinar. It is highly recommended that you download, install and test the application before the webinar begins by clicking on the link in the email.

GoToWebinar App requirements:
Windows 7 – 10 or Mac OSX Mavericks (10.9) – macOS Catalina (10.15)

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The two most recent version of the following browsers:
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer v11 (or later) with Flash enabled

Internet connection: Minimum of 1Mbps       Hardware: 2GB RAM or more

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Professional Engineers:
7.0 PDHs

7.0 HSW CE Hours

International Code Council
.7 CEUs (Accessibility)

Interior Designers
7.0 CE Hours (details inside)


Continuing Education Credit Information
This webinar offers 7.0 PDHs to professional engineers and 7.0 HSW continuing education hours to architects licensed in all states.

The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System has approved this course for 7.0 LU|HSW (Sponsor No. J885). Only full participation is reportable to the AIA/CES.

HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for engineers in Florida (Provider No. 0004647), Indiana (License No. CE21700059), Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700) and North Carolina (S-0130). HalfMoon Education is deemed an approved continuing education sponsor for New York engineers and architects via its registration with the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (Regulations of the Commissioner §68.14(i)(2) and §69.6(i)(2)). Other states do not preapprove continuing education providers or courses.

The International Code Council has approved this event for .7 CEUs in the specialty area of Accessibility (Preferred Provider No. 1232).

This course offers 7.0 HSW continuing education hours for interior designers, including Louisiana interior designers. This course will quality for interior designers continuing education hours in some other states. This course is not IDCEC approved. Refer to specific state rules to determine eligibility.

Completion certificates will be awarded to participants who complete this event and earn a passing score (80%) on the quiz that follows the presentation (multiple attempts allowed).


Fred D. Cawyer AIA. NCARB. RID. RAS & APA

has been the owner of ARS – Accessibility Resource Specialists, PLLC, since 1995. Mr. Cawyer has coordinated over ten thousand accessibility-related plan reviews through the oversight of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, Architectural Barriers Division (TDLR-AB). As a registered accessibility specialist, he performs state-required accessibility plan reviews and on-site inspections. Licensed as an architect and interior designer in Texas, Mr. Cawyer also provides nationwide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title III accessibility consulting, Fair Housing Act (FHA) consulting, lawsuit remediation, and expert witness services. He is a graduate of Abilene Christian University and Texas A&M University, holding a Master of Architecture degree in Building Design with a specialty in Healthcare Planning and Design. He is a graduate of the TDLR-AB Accessibility Academy and serves the citizens of Texas as a Registered Accessibility Specialist. Mr. Cawyer is also an active charter member and a past president of the nation-wide Accessibility Professionals Association (APA).

Kurt Haapala AIA LEED AP

is a partner at Mahlum Architects Inc. and an industry leader in the planning and design of student housing facilities with over 27 years of professional practice. He has completed residential projects for over a dozen college and university campuses across the west coast. He is a frequent presenter about student housing, equity and inclusion, sustainability and campus planning for organizations such as SCUP, ACUHO-i, NWACUHO, NACAS, APPA and AASHE. He served as the 2011 President of the Portland Chapter of the AIA, and was the 2010 & 2011 Delegate to the AIA Oregon and AIA Northwest & Pacific Regional Board of Directors.

Cynthia Leibrock MA. ASID. Hon. IIDA

is an award winning author, an international lecturer, and a designer with over 30 years of experience. Her mission is to improve health, longevity and life quality through universal design. She is the principal/founder of EASY ACCESS TO HEALTH, LLC. The firm offers consulting services in patient centered design, planning for independent living, product analysis, and judiciary witness services. Prominent projects include The Betty Ford Center, the UCLA Medical Center, automotive interior design for Toyota, and a universal design exhibit for the Smithsonian (with Julia Child). In conjunction with Eva Maddox, she completed a showroom for the Kohler Company in which over a million consumers have learned about universal design, and a “living laboratory” in Fort Collins researching the environmental needs of older people. She offers keynote presentations and workshops internationally, including multiple lectures for many of the Fortune 500 companies. She has served as a lobbyist for people with mental disabilities, as a judiciary witness in code compliance and accessibility cost estimation, and as a research associate on the dean’s staff at Colorado State University. For the last 20 years she has taught courses in the architecture department at The Harvard University Graduate School of Design and has conducted healthcare design research in Scandinavia, Northern Europe and Japan. Numerous publications have resulted from her sponsored research including her books Design Details for Health, Beautiful Barrier Free: A Visual Guide to Accessibility, and Beautiful Universal Design, co-authored with James Evan Terry. Because of this work, she has twice been awarded the Polsky Prize for literature.

Krista Macy Assoc. AIA

is an Architectural Design Research Associate at the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access with experience in design for accessibility, sustainable and universal design. She is engaged in diverse research projects intended to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population. Her recent activities include designing home modifications, conducting accessibility and universal design assessments for industry partners, drafting literature reviews, and investigating the current state of climate resilience, home modifications and universal design in the U.S. She has co-authored several papers and publications including the design resources for the innovative solutions for Universal Design (isUD™).

Deborah Ann Rozell

is a certified interior designer and educator, national professional speaker, universal design specialist and president/owner of the firm Innovative Inclusive Design, LLC. As a residential and commercial interior design firm, Innovative Inclusive Design, LLC, designs interior environments that communicate their client’s personal style, are beautifully designed and universally accessible for all ages and stages of life. Innovative Inclusive Design’s most recent project was as the interior design firm for a development company building the first inclusive elevator townhome community with the standards of “Design for Life” in Montgomery County Maryland. Ms. Rozell is certified in Interior Design, Home Modification (ECHM) from UCLA, Aging in Place (CAPS) from the National Home Builders Association and holds a Special Education degree. She has received certificates from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in “Residential Design for Health and Longevity” and Harvard Graduate School of Education in “Learning Environments for Tomorrow” and Feng Shui. Ms. Rozell was a founding member and currently serves as an advisor to the Board of Directors for Little Falls Village and is an active volunteer with the DC chapter of Aging 2.0. and other National and local disability and aging organizations.

AIA Info

AIA Provider Statement:

HalfMoon Education Inc. is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider Number J885. All registered AIA/CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs. Any questions or concerns about this provider of learning program may be sent to AIA/CES ( or (800) AIA 3837, Option 3).

This learning program is registered with AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.

AIA continuing education credit has been reviewed and approved by AIA/CES. Learners must complete the entire learning program to receive continuing education credit. AIA continuing education Learning Units earned upon completion of this course will be reported to AIA/CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request.

Course Title: Universal Residential Design

Delivery Method: Live Online

Course Description: This course explores the principles of practices of universal design in which the home and its elements are accessible to all users, regardless of ability or disability. This course examines entryways, room-to-room mobility, kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor accessibility.

Learning Objectives:

Learning Objective 1:
Learners will be able to discuss the philosophy and principles behind universal design, in which design is driven to make building safe and accessible for everyone.

Learning Objective 2:
Learners will be able to apply design strategies to make entryways accessible and safe from parking areas and to make mobility between interior rooms easy.

Learning Objective 3:
Learners will be able to apply universal design strategies and features to kitchens and bathrooms for ease of use, safety, and accessible.

Learning Objective 4:
Learners will be able to apply universal design strategies and features to outdoor living spaces, including porches and decks, patios, pathways, and recreational features.

LUs: 7.0                                                                                             LU Type: LU|HSWs.

Prerequisites: Experience with accessibility codes and design

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Intermediate

Course Expiration Date: 05/05/2024

Complaint Resolution Policy:

Complaints regarding this course can be emailed to or by calling (715) 835-5900. A HalfMoon Education representative will respond within 72 hours to resolve the complaint, which will include, but not limited to, access to another CE activity at no or reduced cost or a full or partial refund. Each instance will be resolved on a case-by-case situation.

Streamable MP4/PDF Price: $329.00

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