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Karlesky, Sharon

Environmental Engineer, CH2M HillMs. Karlesky is an environmental engineer who helps clients meet environmental regulations by remediating contamination and restoring natural resources to prevent or mitigate further environmental degradation. Her remediation projects include field sampling and monitoring of EPA Superfund sites, compiling environmental data for water quality analysis and risk assessment as part of remedial investigations/feasibility studies (RI/FS), and supporting of military environmental cleanup operations. Her natural resources restoration projects include designing stormwater and erosion control features, performing wetland delineations and supporting wetland functional assessments, working on natural habitat assessment, and writing sections of regulatory documents. Ms. Karlesky earned her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Oregon State University, her M.S. degree in Water Resources Engineering from Portland State University, and her Master’s degree in Integrated Water Management from The University of Queensland, Australia.