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Kosmecki, Scott

Mr. Kosmecki is the founder and manager of Hinge Build Group, LLC, a design-build firm that specializes in bringing high-performance speculative building projects to market. Hinge focuses on foam-free building techniques and creates more healthy and thoughtful living spaces. Currently the company is finishing their first Passive House-certified project for the Portland, Oregon, market. Mr. Kosmecki has been involved with the Passive House community since becoming a certified Passive House consultant in 2012. He has created webinars for the Passive House Institute US, lectured on various high-performance building topics and currently is helping manage the local PHIUS chapter in Portland, Oregon. With a masters degree in Architecture from the University of Oregon and almost 20 years as a contractor, Mr. Kosmecki has helped many clients as well as other builders and architects find ways to achieve design and efficiency goals while staying within their budgets.