Griffith, Masuda & Hobbs
Mr. Masuda has 45 years of California water and public law experience. After graduating from UCLA and UC Davis Law School, he served four years as an Army JAG attorney. Griffith, Masuda & Hobbs, founded in 1920, is general counsel to six water agencies and special counsel to three water agencies. The agencies are located in eight different counties from Butte to Monterey. The firm is also general counsel to two electric generation joint powers agencies and a mosquito abatement district. The firm advises clients on SGMA, including GSA administration, water rights, groundwater sustainability plans, and groundwater recharge projects. Mr. Masuda is a long-time member of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Association of California Water Agencies and is a member of the GRACast subcommittee of the Groundwater Resources Association of California. He farmed almonds and raisins in Merced County, conjunctively using surface water and groundwater.