Ms. Luo is a Licensed Landscape Architect, and an Associate Professor and State Extension Specialist of Landscape Architecture at Oklahoma State University. Before joining the academic position, she had been practicing landscape architectural design in leadership roles in international design firms for 17 years in Boston, Massachusetts, and Beijing, China. Ms. Luo has served in several prestigious design firms including EDSA, CRJA (current IBI-Placemaking) and Turen Scape. She has designed a wide range of outdoor environments, including urban parks, plazas, streetscapes, residential landscapes, and mixed-use developments. Ms. Luo projects are located broadly in the world including the USA, South America, Middle East, Europe, and China. Her work has been recognized with many international, national, and regional design awards. Ms. Luo currently teaches a number of core design classes at Oklahoma State University. She has been invited to give a wide range of talks and to teach workshops relating to landscape design, sustainable landscape, cultural landscapes in regional programs, national conferences, and international universities. Ms. Luo has a deep understanding of landscapes, design, culture, and sustainability issues. She has traveled to many places in the world and used photographs as her journal to record her experiences.