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Katzer, P.e., Cfei, Scott M.

Division Manager / Senior Forensic Engineer with The Vertex Companies, Inc. Mr. Katzer is a Senior Engineer and Florida Division Manager. He earned a B.S. degree  in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University and is a licensed professional mechanical engineer, Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator (CFEI) and a Haag certified residential and commercial roof inspector. Mr. Katzer’s engineering experience encompasses a wide variety of building issues. He is an experienced mechanical engineer in the evaluation and design of healthcare, institutional, commercial, residential and industrial technically complex projects, as well as the investigation and analysis of building related components including heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical, plumbing, fire protection, building envelope and indoor air quality (IAQ) issues. He has performed numerous property condition assessments (PCAs) on a variety of commercial, multi-family and industrial type projects throughout North America for prospective buyers, sellers, lenders and other real estate entities. He is also experienced in the evaluation of buildings relating to identifying and mitigating the risks associated with hurricanes and similar catastrophic events.