Customer Service: (715) 835-5900

Lewis, P.e. (il), Justin

Division Manager for the Structural Support and Earth Retention System group Mr. Lewis is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with B.S. (2007) and M.S. (2008) degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a focus on geotechnical engineering. He has worked at Hayward Baker for more than nine years after joining upon completion of his degrees in 2008. He has worked with a wide variety of technologies that Hayward Baker has to offer with particular experience in the fields of jet grouting, earth retention, micropiles, and driven piles. Mr. Lewis has previously held roles as field engineer, project engineer, and project manager. He currently serves as division manager for the Structural Support and Earth Retention System group in the Midwest with responsibilities for managing and supporting a talented team bidding, designing, and managing earth retention and deep foundation projects. Particular areas of expertise and/or experience include jet grouting (structural/bottom seal), sheet piling, soldier beams and lagging, secant/tangent piles, internal bracing, tiebacks, driven piles, and micropiles.