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Mcintosh, Jr., John E.

John E. McIntosh, Jr., is president of McIntosh & McIntosh, P.C. in Lockport and has been active in civil engineering, surveying, mapping and photogrammetry fields for the past 60 years. He is licensed as a land surveyor in 15 states and received the acknowledgment of certified photogrammetrist (A.S.P.). Mr. McIntosh has been a presenter at various technical and professional seminars, meetings and conferences on subjects such as tax mapping control and land surveying. Mr. McIntosh formerly was a consultant to the Office of Professional Discipline, New York State Education Department, reviewing and reporting on incidents of alleged misconduct by land surveyors reported to the Department. Mr. McIntosh is past president of both the Niagara Frontier Land Surveyors Association and the New York Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.