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Egan, Jim

Service Manager, Sun Valley Solar SolutionsMr. Egan is a dual-licensed electrical contractor in Arizona performing service, design and installation of conventional electrical, solar photovoltaic, wind, battery and hybrid renewable energy power systems. He is a nationally-certified electrical inspector with the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Mr. Egan is an electrical section voting member of the NFPA for the National Electrical Code and has served as a technical consultant in past code-making cycles. He has created, designed and presented college-accredited training courses in electrical code, theory and installation applications at Gateway Community College for the Electric League of Arizona, as well as codes and standards workshops and seminars for large industry groups, corporations, and individuals. Mr. Egan has also provided hands-on workshops and product demonstrations for customers, installers, and building officials.