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Bogdan, James

James Bogdan is senior director of Sustainability Initiatives for the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA). He tracks market sustainability drivers and prepares NRMCA members to meet new requirements in the green building standards such as LEED and Green Globes. Sustainability initiatives include product sustainability and transparency, supply chain sustainability, and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. Mr. Bogdan develops strategies that will support concrete’s position within standards development, and manage education and certification programs such as whole building life cycle assessment, environmental product declarations, responsible sourcing, corporate social responsibility, and ingredient disclosure (health product declarations, cradle to cradle, GreenScreen, etc.). Mr. Bogdan has earned certifications including LEED AP, Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), and Certified Sustainability/CSR Practitioner. Before joining NRMCAMr. Bogdan led corporate sustainability initiatives for aleading NYSE-listed wholesale distributor of electrical, lighting and maintenance products, and before that was manager of market sustainability initiatives for a NYSE-listed global coatings and glass company where he developed and implemented strategies to influence architect, engineer and contractor (AEC) specifications with a focus on the green building market. A professional with 25 years of experiences, He also has environmental, health and safety (EHS)consulting expertise for an architectural and engineering firm. Mr. Bogdan has a B.S. degree in Environmental Science from Slippery Rock University and an M.S. degree in Environmental Management from Duquesne University, and he completed an MBA essential certificate program through the University of Pittsburgh.