Mr. Eggering is a professional wetland scientist (PWS) with over 29 years of experience working in the natural resources field for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Parsons. He has extensive experience in preparing and managing complex National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for both small and large-scale transportation and military projects including environmental impact statements (EIS), environmental assessments (EA), biological assessments (BA), categorical exclusions, and other technical documents, such as ecological studies, ecosystem restoration plans, natural resource GIS projects, and integrated natural resource management plans (INRMP). His primary environmental experience includes: endangered species management; wetland/moist soil management for waterfowl; wetland delineation, enhancement, and mitigation; flood control/management; and wildlife and fisheries management. Mr. Eggering was the lead wetland scientist for the Washington D.C., to Richmond, Virginia, High Speed Rail (DC2RVA) project and worked on draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) that involved delineating wetlands and streams for over 120 miles of existing and proposed rail corridors. He has worked extensively across the Midwest and eastern U.S and multiple USACE Districts.

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