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Lynn, Cynthia

President, Thunderhead Testing, LLC, BixbyMs. Lynn is an established entrepreneur having launched Thunderhead Testing, LLC, in 2000 as a platform from which to provide data management services for the Pavement Test Track facility of the National Center of Asphalt Technology at Auburn University. A respected authority in asphalt technology, mixture design and testing, she currently serves as president of the firm. Her areas of technical competence include aggregate and asphalt testing. Prior to forming Thunderhead, Ms. Lynn held various technical positions with Pavement Technology, Inc., Atlanta Testing and Engineering, and the National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University where she earned her M.S. degree in Civil Engineering in 1996. Her published research accomplishments include evaluation of steel and chrome slag aggregates for use in bituminous mixtures and characterization of aggregate materials for use in bituminous mixtures. Ms. Lynn also holds B.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and Engineering Science from Tennessee Technological University (1993) and David Lipscomb University (1991) respectively.