Mr. Kwiatkowski is a Certified Professional Ecologist (CE) and fluvial geomorphologist, with nearly 20 years of experience in the fields of watershed planning, green infrastructure design, and ecosystem restoration. He has extensive training in the analysis and design of riverine systems, including Newbury Hydraulics and Rosgen Level IV Natural Channel Design certification. Mr. Kwiatkowski is responsible for developing watershed management plans, river and stream restoration projects, and sustainable stormwater systems. He has collected and analyzed data on more than 400 miles of open channel throughout North America, including geomorphic and vegetative process indicators, habitat evaluation, and sediment transport data. Mr. Kwiatkowski has also contributed to stormwater best management practice (BMP) manuals addressing the design of open channels, the design of storm drainage facilities, green infrastructure planning, and water quality improvement. He has provided design, inspection and construction management services for numerous projects throughout the United States.