Berthelot, Terry
Ms. Berthelot is an Assistant Professor in Residence and Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies for Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS) at the University of Connecticut. She is also the Editor and Chief for NAELA (National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys) News. Her research and advocacy is primarily about access to healthcare for people who are over sixty-five and for people with disabilities. She earned her Master’s degree in social work from Syracuse University, after which she designed, implemented, and then coordinated a Joint Commission Accredited hospice program in the Mississippi delta. Finding herself fascinated by the legal and ethical questions surrounding death and dying, Ms. Berthelot pursued her law degree at the University of Mississippi. After graduating, cum laude. She joined the Center for Medicare Advocacy, a national not-for-profit law firm. As a senior attorney, Ms. Berthelot oversaw the Center’s advocacy efforts. She also provided legal advice and representation to Medicare beneficiaries unfairly denied Medicare coverage or access to healthcare, wrote articles for national publications, produced educational materials, engaged in educational outreach activities with a particular focus on the Medicare hospice benefit, was a contributing author to the Medicare Handbook, and served as co-counsel for federal class action lawsuits challenging improper Medicare policies. Also while with the Center, Ms. Berthelot was the lead Medicare trainer for Connecticut’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program and for Connecticut’s Medicare Senior Patrol. She is a former chair of the steering committee for the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys’ Health Care Section and she is the former Connecticut liaison for National Healthcare Decisions Day. Ms. Berthelot is currently a member of the Mansfield Town Council.