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Bailey, John

John Bailey is a professor of Silviculture and Fire Management in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University. He obtained his BS and MF degrees from Virginia Tech in the 1980s, then he worked for 6+ years with the Environmental Protection Agency in Corvallis, Oregon, on forest stressors. He completed a PhD degree at Oregon State University and joined the faculty at Northern Arizona University in 1996, where he worked in ponderosa pine silviculture, fuels management and ecological restoration. Professor Bailey returned to OSU in 2006 to continue research on fuels/fire management and sustainable forestry in drier fire-prone forest types, as well as multi-story management in mixed forest types for broad ecosystem objectives. His recent research and outreach focus is on landscape-scale wildfire risk and how to use sustainable forest management to minimize the adverse impacts of future wildfire in uncertain climatic times.