Dr. Ayers is the president of Global Pavement Consultants, Inc. (GPC). GPC conducts business worldwide and concentrates primarily on pavement design, construction, evaluation, full-depth reclamation with cement, rehabilitation and concrete overlays. Dr. Ayers specializes in pavement analysis using the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Procedure, forensic analysis, just-in-time-training prior to project start-up, troubleshooting both during and after construction and development and delivery of pavement and materials-related seminars and short courses.

Dr. Ayers has extensive experience in the design and construction of concrete overlays, concrete roadways, unbound and stabilized base courses including cement-treated bases, lean concrete bases, full-depth reclamation (FDR) utilizing existing asphalt materials and roller-compacted concrete (RCC). He recently completed development of the Aggregates and Portland Cement Concrete training modules for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Materials Engineering course, the design chapter for the new FDR Guidelines and several chapters in the new FHWA Guide for Concrete Pavement Distress Assessments and Solutions. He also serves as an expert witness on a variety of design and materials-related issues focusing on concrete and RCC pavements. He has substantial experience in field investigations and forensic studies and has conducted numerous large-scale investigations using the MIT SCAN B2 for determining embedded steel location and alignment in concrete pavements.

Dr. Ayers has been very active in the industry serving on a variety of National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) expert tasks groups, FHWA projects and university-based research programs. He instructs design and construction courses for the University of Wisconsin, Halfmoon Education, FHWA and others. He is currently working on overseas projects in Belarus, Ukraine, and in Moldova, as well as numerous projects across the U.S.

Prior to founding GPC in January 2011, Dr. Ayers served as a director for the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), in Rosement, Illinois. He managed the contractor-based education and training program and provided technical services for ACPA as well as contributing to a variety of projects for both the public and private sectors. He has also served as a university professor at Oklahoma State University, a division manager at ERES Consultants and a group leader at Applied Research Associates, Inc.

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