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Akers, Paulette

Ms. Akers is an Environmental Scientist Advisor with the Kentucky Division of Water, Commonwealth of Kentucky – Energy and Environment Cabinet. As a career employee of the Energy and Environment Cabinet, Paulette Akers has worked in the Department of Natural Resources and the Department for Environmental Protection for more than twenty years. Currently, Paulette serves as the Gulf Hypoxia Program Engagement Coordinator in the Division of Water and works to support activities occurring in nutrient-priority watersheds and develop new tools and partnerships to support nutrient reduction in those areas and across the Commonwealth. She works specifically in areas such as wastewater treatment plant nutrient optimization, agriculture, and with partners in Tennessee. Previously, she served 5 years as the Director of the Division of Conservation and 2 years as the Director of the Division of Compliance Assistance. Her early career was with the Division of Water in the Water Quality and Watershed Management Branches. Paulette is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University where she earned a BS degree in Biology and an MS degree in Applied Ecology.