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National Electrical Code 2017 of Ohio

National Electrical Code 2017 of Ohio

WebinarApril 28, 2022
JD White


JD White

Professor of Electrician Education, Freelance Electrical System Design and Drafting

Mr. White is a Professor of Electrician Education, Freelance Electrical System Design and Drafting Professor White’s 48 years’ experience in the electrical industry, 25 years of teaching apprentices, and CEU courses for Electrical Contractors, Architects, & Engineers has provided perspectives he enjoys sharing. He has written and revised more than 150 college course syllabi. Transitioned the entire Skilled Trades Catalog of courses from Quarter hours to Semester Hours. Professor White has created and changed numerous College Programs of Study for associate degrees and various trade certificates. He has taught for IEC Central Ohio, Columbus State Community College, and most recently Midlands Technical College Columbia, SC. Professor White has also been teaching CEU Seminars for various Training Agencies and private companies since 2007. He has a strong understanding of the National Electric Code, tries to create interactions with seminar attendees. Regarding Electrical System Design, he has completed over one hundred projects from simple single buildings, multiple occupancy strips, and multiuse buildings.